Tekpower 2805 Analog AC 600 Amp Clamp on Meter

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This is a special designed clamp meter for easy reading with a locker ! To select range,just dial the meter and change the range.

  • Measures AC Voltage up to 600 volts, AC current up to 600 amps and resistance
  • Pointer lock switch for precise and accurate reading
  • Maximum conductor size 33 mm in diameter
  • Carrying pouch, battery, test leads and user manual included
  • One-year manufacturer's warranty

ACV: 0-150-300-600v ± 3% of full scale at 50-60Hz,
ACA: 0-6-20-60-200-600A(50-60Hz)± 3% of full scale at 50-60Hz,±6% of full scale except 6A range at 400Hz
R: 0-2kOhm
Clamp jaw size:1.2inch
Batt:1.5Vx1 AA (Not included)
Accessories: carrying case, Test leads