Sinometer MS8221 Auto/Manual Ranging Digital Multimeter

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This meter is made Mastech, and Sinometer branded it, but some of them you receive it may be in Mastech Brand too.
It is in High quality and brand new in Mastech Box.
  •  Auto-ranging multimeter with high resolution and good accuracy
  • Automatic power-off, Max value hold, data hold, back lit,manually range selection
  • Handheld size with back tilt stand


What's in the Box:

  • MS8221
  • Test leads
  • Batteries
  • Thermocouple
  • Multifunctional test socket
  • User Manual
DCV: 0-200mV-2V-20V-200V-600V, ±0.7%, input impedance: 10 M Ohms
ACV: 0-200mV-2V-20V-200V-600V, ±0.7%, input impedance: 10 M Ohms
DCA: 200uA-2000uA-200mA-2.0A-10.00A±2.0%
ACA: 200uA-2000uA-200mA-2.0A-10.00A±3.0%
R: 0-200-2k-20k-200k-2M-20M±1.0%
Temperature: -20ºC- 0ºC; 0ºC- 400ºC; 400ºC - 1000ºC; 0ºF - 50º F; 50º F- 750º F;750º F- 1800º F, C/ F selectable
Battery Tester: It checks the batteries with a built-in load: for the batteries voltages of 1.5V/ 3.0V/9.0V; (Load current: 1.5V/50mA,3V/30mA,9V/1mA)
Audible continuity:<50ohm
Transistor: hFE: 0-1000
Diode test:25uA,3.0V